3 Factors That Affect The Quality Of Stadium Lighting

Stadiums of all sizes have been dedicated to the sports that people enjoy watching. These stadiums are lit by the sun during the day, but specialized sports field lighting is required to allow sporting events to take place after the sun sets.

Quality lighting could make the difference between a win or a loss for players. Here are three major factors that can affect the overall quality of the lighting in a stadium of any size.

1. Color Temperature

Lighting can be categorized as either warm or cool. Warm lighting will have a yellowish hue, while cool lighting will appear to be more bright white in color.

The temperature of the lighting in a stadium can have a direct impact on the visibility and mood of both players and spectators. Consider using cool lighting in a stadium setting.

Cool lighting can help create crisp and clean images. Players will have the ability to see each play clearly, and spectators can enjoy the action from any seat within the stadium when cool lighting is installed.

2. Glare

Anytime you rely on an artificial light source, you run the risk of creating glare. The surfaces found within a sports stadium are made from various materials. Surfaces made from glass, plastic, or polished metals have the potential to reflect the light coming from a stadium's light fixtures.

This reflection can create a glare that may compromise the visibility of players and spectators. Glare can be minimized by using light fixtures that are equipped with both front and rear reflectors that help pinpoint the location of the light beam the lamp generates.

Architects can further help to minimize glare by incorporating materials equipped with glare shields into a stadium's overall design.

3. Beam Angle

The light fixtures found in most stadiums can be adjusted to alter the angle of the light beams they produce. Getting the beam angle correct is critical to the overall quality of stadium lighting.

Improper beam angles can lead to uneven light distribution across the field of play and the creation of blinding cross-beams that could affect how players perform.

Precise beam angles can be achieved by using advanced computer software that converts the stadium into a grid. This grid instructs lighting experts on the proper beam angle for each light fixture to maximize visibility.

Stadium lighting may seem like an afterthought, but a lot of preparation and planning go into illuminating stadiums with quality and consistent light.
