Why Let Your Designated Garage Door Service Insulate Your Door

Your garage door is one of the largest moving parts in your home and is also one of the most exposed. That means it can be a real energy vampire, letting heat out in the winter and cool air out in the summer. But there's an easy fix for that: insulation.

There are two main types of garage door insulation: roll-up and foam panel. Roll-up insulation is basically a big sheet of fiberglass that you unroll and tape to the back of your garage door. On the other hand, foam panel insulation comes in big sheets that you cut to size and then staple to the back of your door. If your garage door isn't insulated, consider asking your designated garage door service to do you the honors; here is why.

1. Noise Canceling

One of the great things about insulation is that it can help to muffle sound. That's good news if your garage is attached to your house because it can help to keep the noise from your garage door opener from bothering you and your family inside the house.

Furthermore, if you decide to convert your garage area into an additional living space, the noise-canceling effect of insulation will ensure the space is much more tranquil and comfortable. A loved one can even spend the night here, and you won't have to worry about them being woken up in the middle of the night by strange noises.

2. Energy Efficiency

Suppose your home's ductwork extends to the garage area; this space's energy efficiency will impact your residence's energy consumption. Without garage door insulation, heat exchange will make it difficult to maintain consistent temperatures in the garage area. As such, your HVAC equipment will have to work harder to compensate for this interference.

However, if you allow your designated garage door service to insulate your fixture, you can breathe easy knowing that the garage area will remain warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer months. As such, you won't have to spend an arm and a leg on keeping your home cozy.

3. Reduced Condensation

Another benefit of garage door insulation is that it can help to reduce condensation. Condensation is often caused by warm, humid air meeting a cold surface. So if your garage door is uninsulated, the warm air inside your garage can cause condensation on the door's cold metal surface. This can lead to rust and other problems. But if you have insulation in place, it will act as a barrier between the warm air and the cold metal, helping to reduce or completely eliminate condensation.

Noise-canceling, energy efficiency, and reduced condensation are just a few of the benefits that you'll enjoy when you insulate your garage door. For more information, turn to a website such as https://planooverhead.com/.
