Residential Electric Resolutions For The New Year

Every turn of the calendar back to January brings with it an opportunity to take a look at your life or the world around you and figure out what you want to do better during the year to come. If you are a homeowner, the New Year may also be a good time to assess the current state of your house and what you can do to keep things safe or running smoothly. Read More 

Commercial Design And Build Contractors: Reasons To Use Their Services

Suppose you plan to construct a shopping mall, restaurant, sports facility, learning institution, office complex, or any other structure meant solely for business purposes. In that case, your project needs to be supervised and overseen by a reputable commercial contractor. However, most construction project owners don't just work with the first contractor they encounter; many take time to vet before picking a design and build contractor, and with good reason. Keep reading to discover more about these unique contractors and why you should consider hiring them. Read More 

Spray Foam Roofing Might Be Right For Your Home

Spray foam roofing is becoming more popular in the residential roofing industry. It is a lightweight material that works for all types of roofing designs. This roofing is applied by spraying it on with a special spray gun, then it will expand and level out. You should learn about spray foam roofing before you choose the next type of roof for your home. You might decide it is the way to go once you become more familiar with some of its features. Read More 

How To Keep Your Home Addition Project Simple

If the home you're living in is too small for your current needs, then you can move or you can add on to the home. Building an addition onto your current home can be a great choice, but it can also become a really big, extensive project. Here are some tips to employ in order to keep your home addition project simpler. Don't bring plumbing into the new addition. Running plumbing to the addition will greatly add to the cost of the project. Read More 

2 Causes Of Water In Your Basement

If you have water showing up in your basement, you need to get it repaired as soon as possible. Water is inexorable, and it will get into little cracks and make them bigger, and it won't stop doing it. If you call a basement waterproofing contractor to come and look at your basement to try to stop the water from getting in, one of the things that they are going to do is start tracking down where the water might be coming from. Read More